The MOSAF “Forester of the Year” Award is presented to an individual or small group to recognize significant contributions to advance forestry or forest management in Missouri in a calendar year. Consideration is given to far-reaching impacts or contributions that go above and beyond normal job duties and address the objectives of MOSAF as follows:
This award recognizes exemplary on-the ground management efforts, original thinking, innovation, and/or creativity in solving a problem with forest management implications. Examples could be the completion of a high number of landowner assists or management plans written; a high level of forest management completed on State, Federal or privately owned forest land; completion of a significant document or program impacting forestry in Missouri; development or completion of forestry outreach and/or education programs; completion of a significant urban tree planting, tree care or tree management project; or completion of a significant forestry research project
The Award will be presented by the MOSAF Chair or designee in conjunction with a MOSAF Business Meeting (preferably at the Missouri Natural Resources Conference). Written nominations may be submitted by any MOSAF member by December 1 for work completed in the previous calendar year. Unlike the MOSAF Karkhagne Award which generally recognizes a Forester for long-term or career accomplishments, the “Forester of the Year” recognizes a Forester(s) for exemplary work in a single year or short-term, multi-year period. The MOSAF Chair will coordinate with the MOSAF Awards Committee to review all nominations and select an annual award recipient(s).
- to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.
- to provide an opportunity for better communication among the individual members, their regional representatives and the Society.
This award recognizes exemplary on-the ground management efforts, original thinking, innovation, and/or creativity in solving a problem with forest management implications. Examples could be the completion of a high number of landowner assists or management plans written; a high level of forest management completed on State, Federal or privately owned forest land; completion of a significant document or program impacting forestry in Missouri; development or completion of forestry outreach and/or education programs; completion of a significant urban tree planting, tree care or tree management project; or completion of a significant forestry research project
The Award will be presented by the MOSAF Chair or designee in conjunction with a MOSAF Business Meeting (preferably at the Missouri Natural Resources Conference). Written nominations may be submitted by any MOSAF member by December 1 for work completed in the previous calendar year. Unlike the MOSAF Karkhagne Award which generally recognizes a Forester for long-term or career accomplishments, the “Forester of the Year” recognizes a Forester(s) for exemplary work in a single year or short-term, multi-year period. The MOSAF Chair will coordinate with the MOSAF Awards Committee to review all nominations and select an annual award recipient(s).
- Nominee(s) must be a member of SAF
- Nominee(s) efforts in promoting particular programs or aspects of forestry, without concern for personal gain or advancement, such as: application of forestry; forestry education, research, extension; the profession and SAF. Job-related endeavors above and beyond what is expected by the employer should be considered.
- Nominee(s) influence on related organizations, laymen and communications media outside his/her employing agency toward a better understanding of forestry.
- Professionalism, exemplary effort, initiative and leadership should be emphasized.
- A complete, written nomination form must be received by December 1
- The work or effort must be completed in a single year (or multi-years for in-depth, collaborative efforts), but not for multiple efforts over an extended period, (this type of effort should be recognized with the Karkhagne Award)
- The Award is normally designated for an individual, but recognition of two or more Foresters’ achievements in a significant team effort may be considered.