Since 1900, the Society of American Foresters has provided access to information and networking opportunities to prepare members for the challenges and the changes that face natural resource professionals.
SAF Core Values are:
MOSAF is the Missouri state unit of the Society of American Foresters, a professional society with the following objectives:
- to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry;
- to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellency; and
- to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.
- to provide an opportunity for better communication among the individual members, their regional representatives and the Society.
2019 National Membership infographic
April 2020 SAF Staff Organizational Chart
SAF Core Values are:
- - Forests are a fundamental source of global health and human welfare,
- - Forests must be sustained through simultaneously meeting environmental, economic, and community aspirations and needs,
- - Foresters are dedicated to sound forest management and conservation, and
- - Foresters serve landowners and society by providing sound knowledge and professional management skills
MOSAF is the Missouri state unit of the Society of American Foresters, a professional society with the following objectives:
- to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry;
- to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellency; and
- to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.
- to provide an opportunity for better communication among the individual members, their regional representatives and the Society.
2019 National Membership infographic
April 2020 SAF Staff Organizational Chart